Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Govt. Zawlnuam College was set up on 14th February, 2012. It works for quality enhancement and quality sustenance in order to achieve academic excellence. The Principal is the ex-officio chairman of the IQAC.

Composition of IQAC 2022-2027

Chairman: Prof. Harendra Sinha, Principal

Coordinator: Roy Chan K.J, Associate Professor

Asst. Coordinators:  Mr. Deep Sharma, Associate Professor

                                    Mr. Arun Kumar Chhetri, Associate Professor

                                    Mr. C. Vanlalthazuala, Asst. Professor



Important files of IQAC can be downloaded below:

  1. AQAR 2020-2021
  2. Composition of IQAC
  3. ICT Enabled Classrooms
  4. IQAC Meeting Minutes & Action Taken Report  2021-22
  5. Report on Quality Initiatives 2021-22
  6. Best Practices 2021-22
  7. GZNC Alumni Feedback 2022
  8. GZNC Parents Feedback 2022
  9. GZNC Students Feedback on Institution 2022
  10. Action Plan Report on Gender Equality
  11. Procedures for maintaining and utilizing facilities
  12. Institutional Initiatives in Providing Inclusive Environment
  13. Sensitization of students and employees
  14. Reservation Policy Govt. of Mizoram
  15. Academic Calendar 2023
  16. AQAR 2021-22
  19. GZNC Students Satisfaction Survey 2023
  20. Odd Semester Daily Routine
  21. Minutes of IQAC meeting(s) and compliance 2022-23
  22. University  Results 2023
  23. Feedback Action Taken Report 2022-23
  24. Seminar & Workshop Reports 2022-23
  25. Action Plan and Report on Gender Equality 2022-23
  26. Best Practices (2022-23)
  27. GENDER AUDIT 2022-2023